Happy Women's History Month to all! This year's theme is not only about how women are helping our environment, but this year, Women's History Month will honor the "Mother" of the modern environmental movement, Rachel Carson.
Carson's book, "Silent Spring," was so influential in creating changes in legislation, attitudes, and inspiring activists. As part of this salute to Carson, they are going to have nationwide screenings of a film about her life, called “A Sense of Wonder" http://www.asenseofwonderfilm.com/ .
As they say on their web site, " Sense of Wonder Productions is teaming up with the National Women's History Project to host 100 screenings & events across the country entitled "An Evening with Rachel Carson." It's an opportunity to revisit the origins of the modern environmental movement, and learn how Carson's message can inspire us for generations to come.
We are lucky here in LA because there is a screening on March 19 at the Laemmle Music Hall Theatre in Beverly Hills, http://www.laemmle.com/viewtheatre.php?thid=4.
For more info. on National Women's History Month, check out the group that led to it becoming a nationally recognized month, The National Women's History Project, http://www.nwhp.org/. You can even order goodies from them!
Judi--a little off topic, but I wanted to let you know....someone commented back on your write-up in the LA Times. I don't know if you get feedback alerts.
Long time no "talk!" No, I am technologically impaired and don't know how to do that so I will go back and see!
Hope you are well!
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