These photos come from the great little gallery and the exhibit I stopped into on Friday. It's by the wonderful people from Fallen Fruit, http://www.fallenfruit.org/, and its being held at a small gallery that's housed in what was once the Capitol Records pressing plant in the Glassell Park area of LA, called "Another Year in LA," http://www.anotheryearinla.com/.
Now for those of you unfamiliar with Fallen Fruit, they are (according to their site) "an activist art project which started as a mapping of all the public fruit in our neighborhood. We ask all of you to contribute your maps so they expand to cover the United States and then the world. We encourage everyone to harvest, plant and sample public fruit, which is what we call all fruit on or overhanging public spaces such as sidewalks, streets or parking lots."
As part of their art project, they have a quirky and very small, yet very important show going on at "Another Year in LA," highlighting their work that combines public art social practice with the production of images, photographs, and installations like this one.
They took objects from their first five years of work and are using them to tell not only their story, but the responses to that story that were left by anonymous viewers of a PBS video of Fallen Fruit on You Tube. Some of these responses are not only hilarious, but sad and include one of my favorites, like this one printed on this hand-made, cotton apron, "So, if hippies lean over my fence is it legal for me to eat them?" Hilarious!

What's really cool is that you can also purchase items from the exhibit and help support their work and have some great local art in your home too!
Another Year in LA, is a very small gallery, but the building is great, lots of character and lots of potential so we all need to come out and support them so they can keep having these kinds of exhibits.
Here's the details:
Exhibit Runs through Sunday, August 2 and there is a Closing Reception, "After Jam" on that day from 3 to 7 p.m.
Another Year in LA - 2121 Nth. San Fernando Road, #13, (323) 223-4000
Gallery/Exhibit Hours: Tuesday through Friday, Noon to 5 p.m. and Saturday, 1 to 4 p.m.
Thanks for the kind words about the wonderful exhibition at our gallery.
Just a minor correction, the weekend hours of 1pm - 4pm are on Saturday not Sunday.
I look forward to having lots of you visiting this show!
Thanks for stopping by and please note, I edite the entry and put the correct day, sorry about that!
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